The team at Groundwork Greater Manchester have recently started using iNaturalist, one of the world’s most popular nature apps, to track the biodiversity at Trafford Ecology Park and they’re looking for your help to capture even more data!
The iNaturalist app is a fantastic education tool, helping users to identify the plants, animals and insects they spot when out and about. It can be used to record observations of plants, animals, birds, fungus etc wherever you are; nature reserve or urban environment. Thanks to support from a community of over a million scientists and naturalists users simply upload a picture via their mobile phone, the app will then provide a number of possible identifications for them to select from.
Additionally, by recording and sharing your biodiversity observations on the iNaturalist app, you’ll be providing research quality data for scientists working to better understand and protect nature. iNaturalist is a joint initiative by the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society, and it’s global!
The Groundwork team encourage visitors to Trafford Ecology Park to use this app, recording the species that grow and live there on our iNaturalist Project Page.

These observations will help us monitor the biodiversity of Trafford Ecology Park and ensure that we maintain the right environment for the species that live here.